Sunday, July 12, 2009

Ray McBerry Speaking on States' Rights (video)

It's almost 10 minutes, I know, but it is worth it. It's a great speech about States' Rights and why John Oxendine (@johnoxendine) is not the right choice for Republican nominee as Oxe is not even a true conservative.

At one point in the video, Ray talks about when FEMA and DEA went to New Orleans disarming law-abiding citizens and said if any federal agents come to Georgia with intent to disarm anyone in the State of Georgia, he would arrest them. Based on John Oxendine's record of just being a sheep and staying within federal guidelines, never bringing any change to one of the nation's highest insurance tax rate, it's pretty safe to say that the Oxe does not have the backbone to stand up to Washington. I think we can rest assured that Ray McBerry will stand up for the People.

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