Sorry that it’s been a few days without posting anything, but I’ve been working and I finally have a day off and some free time, so I will be posting a few things throughout today, so keep up with us for today. It’s just pent up anger and nothing to do today to stop me from writing about it. Before I get to the things I planned to talk about, I wanted to talk about something a writer said in an article that I stumbled across. He said that he agreed with Ray McBerry on a lot of issues, but says he would never win. Well, that is how we have people like Obama, Congress, Purdue, and Governors all around the country in office. We never vote for the person that we agree with, we vote for who we think everyone else will vote for.
I have been seeing and hearing more and more people claim “I like him, but he would never win”. People need to stop voting for who we think will win and start voting for those that believe in the same values as we do. If we all stop saying “he won’t ever win” and say “I’m voting for what I believe in”, then we will quickly see Oxendine’s numbers drop while McBerry’s increase. We control our future. We can sit back and do nothing, or we can kick out these career politicians and get real people into our government. How can it be WE THE PEOPLE, if WE aren’t in there? It’s more like WE THE POLITICIANS, and it’s only more fuel to the fire for a new Revolution. Vote for liberty. Vote for freedom. Vote for values.
And if you’re reading this thinking we just need a different party, well look where that got America in a matter of months. We won’t ever “CHANGE” anything by voting a different party. The parties are not our parties anymore. They do not represent us anymore. We can change that by voting for new candidates who know what it’s like to be in the everyday position. Vote for candidates who know what the recession really feels like and is affected by unconstitutional bills, such as these bailouts and Cap-and-Trade. What do these career politicians with their hundreds of thousands (and sometimes millions) of dollars know what it’s really like to suffer through this economy.
Obama was not Change. McCain was not Change. For the fellow Georgians reading, Purdue was not Change. Oxendine is not Change. Handel is not Change. If you want Change, wipe the slate clean. Do not vote for any incumbents. Nominate new candidates that know our struggles and know what WE THE PEOPLE want. Obama, McCain, Purdue, Oxendine, and Handel… they are no longer part of the majority. Americans – Take back your Country. Georgians – Take back your State! In 2010, wipe the slate clean. Research the candidates and read into their issues and values. New party nominees in July 2010, and then vote them in less than 4 months later on November 2, 2010. Vote for Georgia First with Ray McBerry in 2010. Do not vote for any incumbent congressmen, senators, or governors that no longer represent WE THE PEOPLE.
If you want this Country to change, remove the incumbents and stay away from the career politicians. If you want this State to change, vote Ray McBerry and put Georgia First.
You decide who is for the people and who is for themselves.
John Oxendine has held public office since 1994 and has run FOUR statewide campaigns but he has yet to bring any kind of “Change” to the People of Georgia.
“Our day requires a governor who will dare to defy the federal bureaucrats and say plainly, “Get the hell out of our business; and leave my people alone.” No other candidate for governor will take this stand… I will.”
Check out this video of Ray at the Capitol Tea Part in Atlanta, Georgia on Independence Day. Almost 10 minutes long, but worth the watch. Stop voting for candidates because their name is familiar, vote for someone with strong values willing to stand up for the People!