Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms Shall NOT Be Infringed

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

You may have heard this before. It's in a document we call the Bill of Rights. It is the Second Amendment to a document we call the United States Constitution. Incase you have forgotten, these are two of the most important and sacred documents to this great country. Yet the liberals are slowly trying to take this right away. They are slowly trying to "infringe" our right to keep and bear arms, both on the federal and state levels.

As the Amendment clearly states, it is NECESSARY to the security of a FREE State! In other words, without a right to keep and bear arms, there is no way to promise a free State. Take a look at history; Hell, take a look at Iran in present day, and you will clearly see the truth of this. Any dictator knows that if you want to control your people and not fear a complete takeover from your people, you simply deny their right to keep and bear arms. Do you think Hitler would have been able to kill so many people if the people of Germany were armed? Do you think Ahmadinejad would be able to get away with a rigged election if the people of Iran were armed? Absolutely not!

I'm tired of hearing the same excuse as to why gun control is important -- to prevent criminals from having and using guns. That's like saying prohibition prevented alcoholics from having access to alcohol. It's like saying the war on drugs has prevented abusers from having access to drugs. Don't you get it, America? If someone is going to break the law, do you think they care what the laws are to begin with? The only people who abide by gun laws are law-abiding citizens -- not criminals. Strict gun laws would prevent the everyday citizen from protecting themselves from those criminals. Think about -- when is the last time a criminal has thought to himself, "man, I can't use this gun without first registering it and getting a permit"? Never. And it is foolish to think stricter gun laws will mean more compliance by criminals.

Back to history, and the true importance of the Second Amendment. In the early stages of the American Revolution, the British tried to take away the Colonists' rights to bear arms. They knew what was coming, and they wanted to prevent it. The Founding Fathers knew the true importance of this right and made sure to include it in the Bill of Rights. Not so the people could protect themselves from criminals, but so they could protect themselves from a government whose interests are oppressing and controling their people. In The Federalist, Alexander Hamilton pointed out that the people should not fear a federal government because they would be armed. Has our government lost sight of the true importance of the Second Amendment? Or maybe they know exactly what they're doing and they hope that the people are the ones who have lost sight of things. I think it's the latter, and America needs to wake up and realize this.

We need to stop voting for candidates who support gun control. We need to open our eyes and take this country back. We need to support candidates, like Ray McBerry, who haven't lost sight of the true importance of the Second Amendment (and the rest of the Constitution for that matter). If history is any indication, we are in the early stages of a dictatorship. However, this is America, and if America's history is any indication, a revolution is brewing. Whose side are you on?

"I adamantly oppose any effort to infringe upon the right of law-abiding people of Georgia to keep and bear arms and encourage public awareness of the principle that the best guarantee of liberty is a well-armed populace of good citizens." -Ray McBerry, 2010 Georgia Governor candidate

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to point out this one from Saxby:

    “Only a government that does not trust its citizens would refuse them the right to bear arms.”
    - Senator Saxby Chambliss, (R)-GA
