Saturday, July 4, 2009

Introduction: Bill Kane

Hello, and Happy 4th! We're starting something here, me and my good friend Wiggs. We're going to use our free speech rights and speak loudly about how we feel about the current state of our great nation.

I'll start it off with a little introduction. My name's Bill Kane. I'm a Reagan Conservative. I work in the pharmaceutical benefits field, and I teach. I am proud to be raised in the great state of Georgia, and the even greater region of South Georgia. I was raised Irish Catholic by my parents, and I'm a firm believer in family values, religion, and liberty. I also share beliefs with Ron Paul and the Campaign 4 Liberty, along with the tea parties across the nation. Finally, and, of somewhat importance, I am addicted to my Blackberry. Its staring at me right now, blinking with an SMS or email. Its hard to not grab it and finish this. ;)

My perfect vision of our nation is one of free, happy people, but happy because they are actually driving change, instead of complaining about how much the "man" isn't doing for them. I want to inspire people to wake up and see whats going around them. Our founding fathers did not wish for this country to fall to the wayside because of a silent majority, as a loud minority loudly complain that the government doesn't give them enough. Anytime the government gives you something, they take it away. Any government large enough to give you everything you want is large enough to take everything away.

My best phrase about politics is that when I sit down with liberals, most of the time, they discover they're actually Conservative, but Fox, CNN, and MSNBC don't let them think that themselves.

If one person reads these writings and makes a statement, and tells 1 other person, and the journey continues, I will consider this a great success.

PS. When I post, share stories, or rant in general, I will tag them with a 'BK" along with other relevant tags.

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