Sunday, August 9, 2009

We Back Jack (And Ashleigh, Too)

Shortly after the Valdosta Town Hall Meeting on August 3rd, a young college girl named Ashleigh presented Jack Kingston with this shirt. For most of us liberty lovers, we would agree that the Constitution is indeed dead (or at least on its way to being buried). For those brainwashed liberals that don't see the Constitution being trampled on, disagreeing with Ashleigh and Rep. Kingston means time for malicious libel.

From rude, sexual remarks towards Ashleigh to claims that Kingston now hates the Constitution, liberal bloggers and their readers have been letting the two have it ever since the above photo was posted on Kingston's flickr account. If you disagree with the message, fine. If you don't think Jack should be posing with that shirt, fine. You can disagree and argue your points, but none of you have the right to attack Ashleigh in the way that you are. By resorting to the name-calling and the sexual remarks, you only make yourself appear stupid.

Suggesting that Rep. Kingston hates the Constitution also makes you appear stupid. If you honestly believe that the Constitution is "alive and well" today, then you are a fool. If you think a Congressmen and his constituent posing with a shirt that reads "R.I.P. The U.S. Constitution" makes either of them hate the Constitution, you are a fool. If anyone hates the Constitution, it's Obama and his team of socialists. Read the Constitution then tell me, Ashleigh, and Rep. Kingston with a straight face that it isn't dead (or at least not upheld by those that swear to do so).

South Georgia Freedom Fighters is in District 1 and we are proud to be represented by Kingston. We back Jack. And we back Ashleigh.

Liberal blogs attacking Ashleigh and Kingston:

"Five dollars says he’s having sex with the girl on the left" -Progressive News Daily

"Why does Jack Kingston hate the U.S. Constitution?" -Daily Kos Poll

Ashleigh's response to the blogs linked above:
I realize that some controversy has resulted from the blog posting a picture of Congressman Kingston and me, where I presented him a t-shirt that said “R.I.P. The U.S. Constitution”

What those who seek to smear me don’t know, or take the time to find out, is that the back of the shirt is adorned with the words of President Ronald Reagan: “In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem.”

Perhaps one’s perception of the shirt depends on his or her perception of our Constitution. Personally, I believe it is a fundamental document that was written to insure that the government never became greater than the people. When I look at today’s society, the government’s control seems to increasingly outweigh the people’s. I cannot help but feel that the Constitution has been theoretically buried. This design isn’t meant to point fingers, it’s meant to stir an awareness of what we are losing. It’s about the power of the government increasing, while the power of the people decreases.

This shirt is not meant to stir debate regarding which administration did the most to slaughter our Constitution. While we cannot change the past, we do have the present in our hands, right now. This is where change begins.

I must say, in a time where political scandal consists of perjury, adultery, embezzlement…etc., to be caught standing next to a college kid accepting a pro-liberty t-shirt really doesn’t sound so bad. Maybe that’s just me

Well said, Ashleigh, well said.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

America's 6 months of "Hope and Change" #tcot #tlot #rwe #gop

Tell us how you think YOUR 6 months of "HOPE AND CHANGE" have bid you.

Comment, or @ on twitter!

RNC Chair Calls Obama Plan Socialism

I guess they can't play the race card on this one!

Michael Steele, chairman of the Republican National Committee, spoke on July 20 at the National Press Club. AP reported the same day that when Steele was asked if President Barack Obama’s plan for healthcare reform represented socialism, Steele answered: “Yes. Next question.”

Steele didn’t pull any punches as he verbally worked over President Obama, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), and Chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee Henry Waxman (D-Calif.). “Obama-Pelosi want to start building a colossal, closed health care system where Washington decides,” Steele said. “Republicans want and support an open health care system where patients and doctors make the decisions.” He added that “many Democrats outside of the Obama-Pelosi-Reid-Waxman cabal know that voters won't stand for these kinds of foolish prescriptions for our health care. We do too. That's why Republicans will stop at nothing to remind voters about the risky experimentation going on in Washington.”

In order to reinforce Steele’s theme of government experimentation with taxpayer money, the Republican Party will sponsor a television ad opposing government-run healthcare. The 30-second spot is called “Grand Experiment” and will start running on July 20 in select markets in Arkansas, Nevada and North Dakota.

While the video can be seen directly below this paragraph, factual information supporting the ad can be found at the GOP website. The Congressional Budget Office, various news sources, and industry experts are all quoted there, making the case against Obama’s reform plans much more compelling than the TV ad alone. Also related is a separate GOP website about “The Obama Experiment,” which currently features the TV ad and what looks to be a transcript of Steele’s remarks at the National Press Club. The site is worth a visit.

"If we're able to stop Obama on this it will be his will break him."

President Barack Obama slaps back at health care critics at hospital
BY Michael Mcauliff

Tuesday, July 21st 2009, 1:47 AM

President Barack Obama talks about his plan for health care reform following a roundtable discussion with health care providers Monday.

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WASHINGTON - President Obama opened fire at "political" opponents of health care reform Monday, ripping a Republican senator who predicted the commander in chief is facing his "Waterloo."

Speaking to conservatives late last week, Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) declared if conservatives can stall until Congress goes on vacation for most of August, health care reform - and Obama - will be dead in the water.

"If we're able to stop Obama on this it will be his Waterloo," DeMint said. "It will break him."

Obama recycled that line Monday at a Washington children's hospital, holding it up as an example of opponents putting partisanship before public health.

"This isn't about me. This isn't about politics," Obama said. "This is about a health care system that is breaking America's families, breaking America's businesses and breaking America's economy."

Republicans say the health care proposals working through Congress will raise taxes on small businesses, kill jobs and create a government-run, rationed medical system.

Obama argues exactly the opposite and claims the system is already rationing care, killing jobs and hurting business.

"Over the past decade, premiums have doubled in America; out-of-pocket costs have shot up by a third; deductibles have continued to climb," he said, adding that it's "special interests" like insurance companies and executives that "have reaped windfall profits."

The escalating rhetoric came as an ABC News/Washington Post poll found the country getting worried about health reform, with just 49% trusting Obama on the issue. That's down from an earlier high of 57%.

Obama himself remains popular, with a 59% approval rating.

But Republicans smell blood in the health care waters, and DeMint was quick to fire back at Obama, linking his health care push to the economic stimulus, which is becoming less and less popular.

"The last time the President made grand promises and demanded passage of a bill before it could be reviewed, we ended up with the colossal stimulus failure and unemployment near 10%," DeMint said.

"Now the President wants Americans to trust him again, but he can't back up the utopian promises he's making," DeMint added, contending the GOP just wants to go slow to get it right.

"There is no one in this debate advocating that we do nothing despite the President's constant straw man arguments," he said.

Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele echoed DeMint, but declined to say if there was a moral component to covering 46 million uninsured Americans, suggesting it is about politics.

"I don't know if that's a consideration for politicians, versus a pastor," Steele said. "What I do know is that it is important and imperative that the politicians, the political leadership, get it right."

The House of Representatives has released its version of the plan, but the Senate has only done half of its - with the half that pays for reform still on the operating table of the Senate Finance Committee.

With time running short, the White House has softened its position that health care must be done before Congress goes on vacation next month.

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said it can still get done by then, and Obama put some teeth in that. "We can't afford the politics of delay and defeat when it comes to health care," he said. "Not this time. Not now."

Conservatives Disappointed over Sotomayer Answers about 2nd amendment

How did she strike out?

First, Judge Sotomayor ruled in United States v. Sanchez-Villar (2004) that “the right to possess a gun is clearly NOT a fundamental right.”

Second, this year, Sotomayor was part of a three-judge panel which ruled in Maloney v. Cuomo that the Second Amendment does NOT apply to the states.

But finally, Judge Sotomayor struck out as qualified to be a Supreme Court Justice when she was asked by Senator Tom Coburn if there was a right to self-defense.

Judge Sotomayor said that was an “abstract question.” Sotomayor would NOT answer directly, although when pressed, she equated self-defense with vigilantism!

It is completely unacceptable for the Senate to confirm a judge to the U.S. Supreme Court who does not believe in the rights that are EXPLICITLY stated in the Bill of Rights?

Concealed Carry Over State Lines Coming?

I hope it isn't plagrism, but I'm giving credit to the original author, but I agree with this outlook. It is truly an unmovable force hitting an unstoppable object. States Rights, or 2nd Amendment on a Federal level?
via Jazz Shaw @ The Moderate Voice...

Concealed Carry Over State Lines Coming?

The Washington Post reports a glimmer of hope for 2nd amendment supporters this week, as several moderate Democrats may be lining up with the GOP to back a provision which would ensure the rights of gun owners in states with permissive laws when they travel across state lines.

Senate Democrats are scrambling to defeat a Republican-backed provision that would allow gun owners to carry their weapons across state lines, overriding the stricter laws of many jurisdictions and giving preference to states with looser standards.

Critics, including police organizations, big-city mayors and gun-victims groups, decried the legislation as creating “a new national lowest common denominator” for ownership of firearms. But twice this year, Republicans have succeeded in rolling back restrictions on guns with substantial backing from moderate Democrats, many newly elected from Western states with strong Second Amendment traditions.

I will confess that, even as an avid supporter of gun rights, this approach gives me pause. It’s one of those cases of two perfectly valid arguments running head to head against each other. The individual states need to be able to determine their own affairs as much as possible, but the Doctrine of Incorporation has been frustrating us for so long that it can drive one to desperation. Second amendment rights most certainly should, in my never very humble opinion, be considered fundamental rights which all states have to recognize. From that perspective, allowing owners to have their rights “travel with them” while on the road is an attractive idea.

On the other hand, the law is the law, and just because you can carry your weapon into a bar in Texas doesn’t mean that you should be able to drive to New York City, sit down in a bar and order a beer with your 9mm in your pocket. I realize this proposal is more for the person who is on the road and in the process of traveling, but questions such as that are inevitable and come along as part of the discussion.

The political ramifications may be far more interesting, though. A number of junior Democrats, as noted in the article, are getting increasingly nervous as 2010 approaches and the popularity of both the Obama administration and the Democratic majority’s domestic agenda continue to slide. In western states, voting against something like this could be the final straw on the camel’s back which sends their seat back to the Republicans.

I believe I would like to see such a proposal put in place, challenged in the courts and sent up the line for a final resolution. It might clarify things a bit more for us in the future.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Why are there 500,000 coffins by an airport in Georgia? #news

There are 500,000 coffins stacked outside of a airport in Georgia, and word on the street is, they are all over the country.

This may be old news to some of you, but I've been aware of this for about a year. Actually, a little over a year now. There are 500,000 "polyguard vaults" ordered by DHS and FEMA, sitting not too far from CDC HQ in Atlanta. Also, closely in relation to an airport and major interstates.

Sounds a little convinient if you ask me. What do you think? Share your thoughts on twitter or in the comments below. All intelligent views enjoyed!

Monday, July 13, 2009

GPS co-ordinates 40 feet from every American door via Census by ACORN

Why is it this year, for the first time in history, the Census is being run by the White House Chief of Staff? Sounds a little fishy, doesn't it?

Even moreso is the fact that Nobama, ACORN, Rahm, and ole Robert Groves want to have GPS coordinate 40 feet from your door

Now, flashback, that this administration already thinks those who own guns, Bibles, or vote Republican should be cautioned as "extremists".

GPS painting, people. Look it up, wake up, and read. Next blog post may shock you, 500,000 times more than you may expect.

Groves' appointment as Census Chief only helps Liberals and Obamaessiah

On the surface, Groves has been assigned a straightforward task: count every person living in these United States in 2010. Funny, what an important year that is, and in 2 years, when Obamaessiah plans to run for President again, should our country even last that long.

He seems like an average government know-nothing from the outside, but his past shows far more stupidity than one could imagine (guess working with ACORN will be easy).

in '90, GHWB asked him to lead up the Census, which of course he took in stride. Except for the fact that he was all for calculated numbers to fill in the blanks. He devised statistics that utilized "fuzzy math" when it came to illegals and homeless Americans...greatly benefitting the Democrats.

the Commerce Department wanted nothing of it, when, using his model, determined would add over 5 million Americans to the census -- quite a big gap, and more than enough to swing an election (or two, or three, or four, on any level).

Now with the current tyrants in office, they've stated they don't want African-Americans and Hispanics to be "disenfranchised" (read: legally counted correctly), this puts even more stress on our already controversy filled census.

I end this post with how I end many. WAKE UP AMERICA! PLEASE! Call your Congresspeople and tell them you're tired of it. Better yet FIGHT BACK.

2010 may be out last chance, before redistricting and forced affirmitive action take this country down to the bottom of hell.

Sotomayer: Pseudo-Patriot, Quasi-American

"I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life."

"Personal experiences affect the facts that judges choose to see."

" With my academic achievement in high school I was accepted rather readily at Princeton and equally as fast at Yale, but my test scores were not comparable to that of my classmates. And that's been shown by statistics, there are reasons for that - there are cultural biases built into testing, and that was one of the motivations for the concept of affirmative action to try to balance out those effects. "

Who mouthed off these wonders? Why, Sonia Sotomayer, NoBama's big push for the SCOTUS. Who else would you expect the tyrant to pick? None other than one just as racist as his wife and as deceitful as himself.

Here we are, looking down the barrel of someone as anti-2nd amendment, anti-equality, and anti-American as possible. She will seem to be "standing on the shoulders of her people" and claims she is "an ordinary woman with extraordinary oppurtunities", but let's cut the chase. She's a crook, whose had more cases overturned than you can flip a hat at.

She said white firefighters weren't being discriminated against when they were told they weren't hired because they were white. Talk about reverse racism, if it was "her people" as she called her race, then this case would be totally different.

Case in point, call your Congressmen/women. Raise hell. If they appoint her, fire them.

Bringing me back to the latest issue: FIRE CONGRESS IN 2010! Let's put some fire under our "lawmakers" and get some patriots in office!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Ray McBerry Speaking on States' Rights (video)

It's almost 10 minutes, I know, but it is worth it. It's a great speech about States' Rights and why John Oxendine (@johnoxendine) is not the right choice for Republican nominee as Oxe is not even a true conservative.

At one point in the video, Ray talks about when FEMA and DEA went to New Orleans disarming law-abiding citizens and said if any federal agents come to Georgia with intent to disarm anyone in the State of Georgia, he would arrest them. Based on John Oxendine's record of just being a sheep and staying within federal guidelines, never bringing any change to one of the nation's highest insurance tax rate, it's pretty safe to say that the Oxe does not have the backbone to stand up to Washington. I think we can rest assured that Ray McBerry will stand up for the People.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Goodbye NRA, Hello @GeorgiaCarry

After reading Billy's post about the NRA sending him a hat made in China, I decided to do what we all need to do. I left the national groupd that doesn't truly represent me and my values anymore and went with the more local group that knows values. Goodbye NRA, hello Georiga Carry!

I signed up online at for $16 for a year membership. You can choose to add more of a donation to them, but it is not required. I will post photos when my card and information arrives. I look forward to my membership with Georgia Carry, and their upcoming GCO Annual Convention on Saturday, August 1 in Atlanta. There will be a Q&A Forum with various candidates including States' Rights candidate Ray McBerry!

Thank you, Billy, for bringing to our attention the disrespect by the NRA.

We The People

Sorry that it’s been a few days without posting anything, but I’ve been working and I finally have a day off and some free time, so I will be posting a few things throughout today, so keep up with us for today. It’s just pent up anger and nothing to do today to stop me from writing about it. Before I get to the things I planned to talk about, I wanted to talk about something a writer said in an article that I stumbled across. He said that he agreed with Ray McBerry on a lot of issues, but says he would never win. Well, that is how we have people like Obama, Congress, Purdue, and Governors all around the country in office. We never vote for the person that we agree with, we vote for who we think everyone else will vote for.

I have been seeing and hearing more and more people claim “I like him, but he would never win”. People need to stop voting for who we think will win and start voting for those that believe in the same values as we do. If we all stop saying “he won’t ever win” and say “I’m voting for what I believe in”, then we will quickly see Oxendine’s numbers drop while McBerry’s increase. We control our future. We can sit back and do nothing, or we can kick out these career politicians and get real people into our government. How can it be WE THE PEOPLE, if WE aren’t in there? It’s more like WE THE POLITICIANS, and it’s only more fuel to the fire for a new Revolution. Vote for liberty. Vote for freedom. Vote for values.

And if you’re reading this thinking we just need a different party, well look where that got America in a matter of months. We won’t ever “CHANGE” anything by voting a different party. The parties are not our parties anymore. They do not represent us anymore. We can change that by voting for new candidates who know what it’s like to be in the everyday position. Vote for candidates who know what the recession really feels like and is affected by unconstitutional bills, such as these bailouts and Cap-and-Trade. What do these career politicians with their hundreds of thousands (and sometimes millions) of dollars know what it’s really like to suffer through this economy.

Obama was not Change. McCain was not Change. For the fellow Georgians reading, Purdue was not Change. Oxendine is not Change. Handel is not Change. If you want Change, wipe the slate clean. Do not vote for any incumbents. Nominate new candidates that know our struggles and know what WE THE PEOPLE want. Obama, McCain, Purdue, Oxendine, and Handel… they are no longer part of the majority. Americans – Take back your Country. Georgians – Take back your State! In 2010, wipe the slate clean. Research the candidates and read into their issues and values. New party nominees in July 2010, and then vote them in less than 4 months later on November 2, 2010. Vote for Georgia First with Ray McBerry in 2010. Do not vote for any incumbent congressmen, senators, or governors that no longer represent WE THE PEOPLE.

If you want this Country to change, remove the incumbents and stay away from the career politicians. If you want this State to change, vote Ray McBerry and put Georgia First.

You decide who is for the people and who is for themselves.

John Oxendine has held public office since 1994 and has run FOUR statewide campaigns but he has yet to bring any kind of “Change” to the People of Georgia.


“Our day requires a governor who will dare to defy the federal bureaucrats and say plainly, “Get the hell out of our business; and leave my people alone.” No other candidate for governor will take this stand… I will.”


Friday, July 10, 2009

Your security is not worth the loss of liberty.

"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" - Ben Franklin (not Thomas Jefferson, who clearly stated it was Ben who made the quote originally)

As "liberalism" becomes the latest fad, more and more folks are looking to the government for unemployment, welfare, and protection from tyranny. We need to realize that unemployment and the need for welfare are at the fault of the government. We also need to realize that tyranny is at our door.

This is how it begins. Germany. Russia. China. There becomes an "unknown enemy". Can anyone show me an Al-Qaeda uniform? . Then its disarming us for our own safety. Who seriously considers the fact that a criminal who possesses a firearm will think about gun control laws when he commits a crime? Yeah, he will kick in the door with a smile, knowing that an honest citizen is unarmed inside.

Aside from criminals, the 2nd amendment wasn't designed for hunting or crime stopping. It was designed to stop oppression. The people armed are a people free of tyranny.

“Arms in the hands of individual citizens may be used at individual discretion in private self-defense.”
John Adams

Those who think that allowing the government to control ever aspect of your lives, remember this:

"A government big enough to supply you with everything you need, is a government big enough to take away everything that you have...."

While most think this was attributed to Jefferson, it's actually former President Gerald R. Ford who made this statement in 1974 before Congress

Thursday, July 9, 2009

We don't need a new party -- we need new politicians!

The current argument is "we need a new party". I suppose that's the fad when two parties aren't going the way the people want them to.

Why add another bunch of crooks to the mix? We've got good folks in each party that care about liberty, freedom, and the rights of the states and their people.

Let's use what we got. Let's fire Senate, and House, and start over. Get our minds around real candidates. Ray McBerry is a good example. So is Ron Paul, and anyone else that respects the power of the people through thought instead of handouts. Politicians who are concerned with the problems of the State and its citizens instead of shaking hands with those out to destroy us.

Ronald Reagan connected with the people with straight talk and a straight shooting attitude. As has McBerry and Paul, who are both having excellent grassroots campaigns brewing.

Get McBerry in GA. Paul out of Texas and into the White House, and we'll be able to start moving towards the goal of freedom, liberty, and a sound financial system, economy. Throw in national security and not being walked on by repeated missile tests.

Once again....wake up, folks! Let's motivate our friends, family, colleagues, and ourselves!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

NRA: Made in China (why i'm not renewing my membership) @nranews @nraila (PLS RT)

If you just want your jaw to drop before reading this, scroll to the bottom for pictures. Otherwise, read on for another look at how our country is crumbling from within, thanks to soulless entities like the National Rifle Association.

So I received a complimentary hat for my yearly NRA membership.

I opened it up, and it looked well enough. Nice American flag on the side, proudly displaying the NRA on the front and back, it made me feel like there maybe were just a few more smart Conservative minds out there.

That is until I looked under the brim, and a label proudly displaying in bold "MADE IN CHINA"

I am speechless. A "foundation" that proudly proclaims its defense of "American Values" such as the 2nd Amendment sees nothing wrong in exporting manufacturing of its hats to China, with American flags on them to further spit on our country more.

I attempted several times to contact the NRA, via Twitter, e-mail, and written correspondence, and never received a response.

I won't be renewing my membership. Neither will the ~10 folks I've discussed the issue with. Hopefully they'll each touch one friend, and word will spread that the NRA is just as guilty as Obama, Barney Frank, and the rest of them.

It may seem silly to compare them, but this kind of disrespect for your own values, morality, and country calls you into question, National Rifle Association. You should be ashamed of yourself.

I'm currently in the process of contact several celebrity's who proudly proclaim their NRA status such as Charlie Daniels, Ted Nugent, and Tom Selleck. You should too.


Monday, July 6, 2009

Iranian's fight like I wish AMERICANS would!

People in this world are standing up against oppression.

People in this world are using their rights as free (or who want to be free) people.

People in this world are telling their leaders they're tired of the way things are going.

Sadly, these people are not in the United States.

Across the globe, people are uniting behind the people of Iran, while they are working to to drive the "CHANGE" they desire. They didn't "HOPE", they "TOOK ACTION".

Why don't we? When will we say we've had enough? Who draws the line in the sand?

These are questions I pose to all of you, each of you who read, tweet, write, blog, et cetera.

When do these end, and holding our leaders accountable begin?

No Longer for the People

I stumbled across a blog at on and was shocked at what I read...

With the clock running out on a new US-Russian arms treaty before the previous Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, or START, expires on December 5, a senior White House official said Sunday said that the difficulty of the task might mean temporarily bypassing the Senate’s constitutional role in ratifying treaties by enforcing certain aspects of a new deal on an executive levels and a “provisional basis” until the Senate ratifies the treaty.

And so it begins – a “temporary” bypassing of the Senate and of the Constitution, more specifically Article II, Section 2:

He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur

Barack Hussein Obama, who the hell do you think you are? Does the Constitution mean nothing to you? Well, obviously not, but are you so bold that you are willing to blatantly violate the Constitution right in front of our eyes? What will you do next? Bypass the Senate to appoint your controversial judge? Ratify unconstitutional laws? Take away our right to bear arms like you wish to do so much?

I’m beginning to see astounding, frightening similarities between Obama giving into global demands and States giving into federal demands. While Obama is meeting with White House officials discussing the idea of bypassing the Senate, politicians across America are bypassing their People’s best interests and doing what the federal government says is best. Senators, Congressmen, and Governors are losing their backbone and no longer putting their State and their People first! They are giving into the Obamania and the rest of this out-of-control federal government.

What we see taking place in America today is what led to the American Revolution, the Declaration of Independence, the drafting of our Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. Obama considering ignoring the Constitution by bypassing the Senate, Congress ignoring the People they are sworn to represent by passing the Cap-and-Trade, and Governors ignoring their respective State Constitutions by giving into the federal government’s demands are all fueling the fire. The same fire that our Founding Fathers used to heighten their anger, say enough is enough, and stand up to Despotism. If it doesn’t stop, we will make it stop!

In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson let it be known that when the government stops being for the People, it is the People’s right and duty to throw off such government. If you (and by you I mean Obama, Senators, Congressmen, and Governors) do not start listening to your People, it will soon be too late. The term “Revolution is brewing” will no longer be taken lightly, and no one will be to blame but you. If you don’t want a Revolution, be for the People and uphold the Constitution. If you don’t think the American people are willing to fight back, just keep pushing, because our People can only be pushed so much before we push back – and we heavily outnumber you!

-Steven Wiggs, SGAFF

On a side note –

I’m pleased to see some are not afraid to stand for their People, even if it means standing up against the Obamania. In regards to the Cap-and-Trade, Congressmen Boehner has been a great voice for the People. In Texas, Governor Perry has openly supported HCR 50, a resolution affirming the State’s sovereignty.

For those that live in Georgia, one candidate for Governor in 2010, Ray McBerry, is assuring his People that he will stand up against the federal government and say enough is enough. While other candidates claim to support States’ Rights, only McBerry has spoken about it prior to this race. He has been an advocate of States’ Rights across the nation for the past decade – while others are simply jumping on the States’ Rights bandwagon. If you want to support a true believer in States’ Rights, our Constitution, and our Liberty, be sure to vote for Ray McBerry – the voice of the People.

“The constitutional Republic given us by our Founding Fathers is in great peril today at the hands of an out-of-control federal government; and our states are now the final guardians of our liberty. It is the privilege and duty of the governor to interpose himself between his people and the enemies of their liberty, even when that threat comes from a federal leviathan.” –Ray McBerry

More from Ray McBerry on Federal Attacks Upon our Liberties

Ray McBerry's Campaign website

Ray McBerry on Twitter

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Only Ray McBerry (@GeorgiaFirst) can tame an "Oxe"

John Oxendine is running for Georgia governor in 2010. I will not bash him as a person, because I'm unaware of anything he's done that lacks morals. However comma:

I have personally attempted to use his department (GA Department of Insurance). Its a joke, a waste of time, and so full of red tape it isn't even funny. I've filed several complaints about my brokerage to his department, only to have incompetence run rampant inside of my issue.

They've actually made my issue worse.

However, Ray McBerry is coming to the plate, and he has my 100%. I am currently trying to make headway in joining the campaign team, and will hopefully be able to assist in any way I can.

People will vote (or will want to vote) for Oxendine simply because of his name and he's already in an appointed office -- don't you see where that already got us on the national platform?

Do we really want another Atlanta-minded person in office? Do we NEED another Atlanta-minded person in office? My answer is no.

Let's get Atlanta out of the rest of the state!

Check out Ray on twitter (@GeorgiaFirst). He's got SGAFF's vote!

Aaron, thank you for your sacrifice #thankyouaaron

SGA Freedom Fighters wants to personally say:

Aaron, thank you for your sacrifice, especially on our day of Independence. You're now sharing your stories and experiences with the greatest of our warriors, patriots, and founding fathers. You'll also make an excellent guardian angel over those still fighting.

To Aaron's family, remain strong. Our prayers are with you, and I'm sure whoever you touch in your lives will reciprocate. Your son died a patriot, and is now entombed with the greatest of men & women.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms Shall NOT Be Infringed

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

You may have heard this before. It's in a document we call the Bill of Rights. It is the Second Amendment to a document we call the United States Constitution. Incase you have forgotten, these are two of the most important and sacred documents to this great country. Yet the liberals are slowly trying to take this right away. They are slowly trying to "infringe" our right to keep and bear arms, both on the federal and state levels.

As the Amendment clearly states, it is NECESSARY to the security of a FREE State! In other words, without a right to keep and bear arms, there is no way to promise a free State. Take a look at history; Hell, take a look at Iran in present day, and you will clearly see the truth of this. Any dictator knows that if you want to control your people and not fear a complete takeover from your people, you simply deny their right to keep and bear arms. Do you think Hitler would have been able to kill so many people if the people of Germany were armed? Do you think Ahmadinejad would be able to get away with a rigged election if the people of Iran were armed? Absolutely not!

I'm tired of hearing the same excuse as to why gun control is important -- to prevent criminals from having and using guns. That's like saying prohibition prevented alcoholics from having access to alcohol. It's like saying the war on drugs has prevented abusers from having access to drugs. Don't you get it, America? If someone is going to break the law, do you think they care what the laws are to begin with? The only people who abide by gun laws are law-abiding citizens -- not criminals. Strict gun laws would prevent the everyday citizen from protecting themselves from those criminals. Think about -- when is the last time a criminal has thought to himself, "man, I can't use this gun without first registering it and getting a permit"? Never. And it is foolish to think stricter gun laws will mean more compliance by criminals.

Back to history, and the true importance of the Second Amendment. In the early stages of the American Revolution, the British tried to take away the Colonists' rights to bear arms. They knew what was coming, and they wanted to prevent it. The Founding Fathers knew the true importance of this right and made sure to include it in the Bill of Rights. Not so the people could protect themselves from criminals, but so they could protect themselves from a government whose interests are oppressing and controling their people. In The Federalist, Alexander Hamilton pointed out that the people should not fear a federal government because they would be armed. Has our government lost sight of the true importance of the Second Amendment? Or maybe they know exactly what they're doing and they hope that the people are the ones who have lost sight of things. I think it's the latter, and America needs to wake up and realize this.

We need to stop voting for candidates who support gun control. We need to open our eyes and take this country back. We need to support candidates, like Ray McBerry, who haven't lost sight of the true importance of the Second Amendment (and the rest of the Constitution for that matter). If history is any indication, we are in the early stages of a dictatorship. However, this is America, and if America's history is any indication, a revolution is brewing. Whose side are you on?

"I adamantly oppose any effort to infringe upon the right of law-abiding people of Georgia to keep and bear arms and encourage public awareness of the principle that the best guarantee of liberty is a well-armed populace of good citizens." -Ray McBerry, 2010 Georgia Governor candidate

If only the people cared for the US as much as MJ

Google shows almost 250,000 news articles for "Michael Jackson" in the past week

However, a news article query for "tea party" shows about 2,500.

This is shameful, and it disgusts me.

Not that he is (read: was) a pedophile, preying on children or parents (who are worthless for pimping out their children, but that's another rant). Not that he is simply an entertainer, the "King of Pop" as they called him.

The sheer fact that the people are "crying in the streets" and the mass media is giving this play by play coverage is what sickens me. Literally, it turns my stomach.

The death of a celebrity versus the coverage of Americans trying to take back their liberty and freedom from a government trying to oppress them should be uncontested. In the grand scheme of things, who gives a damn? Not I. I could care less.

I'll wake up the same regardless of MJ being alive or dead. However, whether or not my country is alive or dead certainly impacts my life. As a matter of fact, its my life; and yours; and your children's.

We'll let Cap & Trade pass. We'll allow B. Hussein to use his oratory skills to woo the sheeple of this country. We'll let a dict actor fire missiles on our day of Independence.

When will we stop? When will we open our eyes, AMERICA? Tell someone, hell, tell everyone to wake up. The dream is real.

We're the catalyst of whats going on -- but alas, we are the catalyst of change. We are the true policymakers, patriots, and citizens.

Stand up for your rights, stand up for your states rights. Stand up for your fellow man without handing him a welfare check.

Introduction: Steven Wiggs

Hello and Happy Independence Day to all of my fellow Conservatives, Libertarians, Constitutionalists, Georgians, and Americans.

My name is Steven Wiggs. I'm a Libertarian Conservative and I'm tired of this out-of-control federal government and the liberal media that supports it! I'm a photographer, I write, and I am part of the Ray McBerry for Georgia Governor 2010 campaign team. Ray is the only candidate that truly believes in and supports States' Rights and a small government.

I'm here to spread the word about Ray McBerry and what he stands for. I'm here to discuss our great state of Georgia and our great nation with a non-brainwashed point of view.

As Bill will be tagging his posts with BK, I will tag mine with SW.

Welcome to the truth! Enjoy it!

Calling Conserative/Patriot Bloggers (Read in!)

S. Ga. Freedom Fighters is looking to join in on the fun! We're the new guys, and we apologize we're a little late to the game!

I know on twitter @patriotfreedom had mentioned uniting the blogs into once voice, and we are all for it! If you'd like to "link up" with us, shoot @billykane a DM on twitter or comment here with your twitter name!

We're interested in getting to readers who would fully enjoy our writing (most of the time!) or those who can intelligently debate it (there are a few smart liberals out there...i think?).

Enjoy your 4th of July and every day in our glorious nation!

Introduction: Bill Kane

Hello, and Happy 4th! We're starting something here, me and my good friend Wiggs. We're going to use our free speech rights and speak loudly about how we feel about the current state of our great nation.

I'll start it off with a little introduction. My name's Bill Kane. I'm a Reagan Conservative. I work in the pharmaceutical benefits field, and I teach. I am proud to be raised in the great state of Georgia, and the even greater region of South Georgia. I was raised Irish Catholic by my parents, and I'm a firm believer in family values, religion, and liberty. I also share beliefs with Ron Paul and the Campaign 4 Liberty, along with the tea parties across the nation. Finally, and, of somewhat importance, I am addicted to my Blackberry. Its staring at me right now, blinking with an SMS or email. Its hard to not grab it and finish this. ;)

My perfect vision of our nation is one of free, happy people, but happy because they are actually driving change, instead of complaining about how much the "man" isn't doing for them. I want to inspire people to wake up and see whats going around them. Our founding fathers did not wish for this country to fall to the wayside because of a silent majority, as a loud minority loudly complain that the government doesn't give them enough. Anytime the government gives you something, they take it away. Any government large enough to give you everything you want is large enough to take everything away.

My best phrase about politics is that when I sit down with liberals, most of the time, they discover they're actually Conservative, but Fox, CNN, and MSNBC don't let them think that themselves.

If one person reads these writings and makes a statement, and tells 1 other person, and the journey continues, I will consider this a great success.

PS. When I post, share stories, or rant in general, I will tag them with a 'BK" along with other relevant tags.

Georgia's Next Governor- Feat or Fiasco?

We have come to a dangerous place in American politics. The fallacy of “most electable” has been a media and marketing ploy to prop undesirable candidates up and garner support from an otherwise conservative populace. What happened nationally with McCain can very possibly happen in Georgia with Oxendine. Should the establishment Republican party perceive Oxendine as most electable, and set him up against Roy Barnes, we can anticipate a Democrat for Governor.

Under Obama, the advance of socialism has been rapid and appalling. The only way to reclaim the country is state by state. And the only way to reclaim the sovereignty of the state is by raising up for Governor a man who firmly attests to, believes in, and resolves to uphold the absolute right of state government to interpose on behalf of the life and liberty of the people. That man is Ray McBerry.

The Ray McBerry campaign is an onward march of optimism and hope. Ray believes in the people of Georgia, believes that Georgians are best able to care for themselves and their families, believes that Georgians own their lives and liberty, and believes that Georgians own their local governments on the county and state level.

The duties of civil government are restricted through our foundational documents the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution. These important parameters for responsible moral government do not provide for the rights of the people, but instead limit the government from infringing upon the natural rights of the people.

All of the problems facing our state come down to the basic premise: do we own ourselves, or are we owned?

The fruit of our labors should be ours, yet we labor 6 months out of every year to cover the increasing and devastating burden of taxation. Property tax and income tax demonstrate a presumption by go vernment that it owns our wealth and owns the fruit of our labor. This presumption will stop under Ray McBerry.

The top-heavy bureaucracy of Georgia state government seeks to regulate and license every area of our lives and every area of the private business sector. This presumes that civil government bequeaths to the populace the privileges of existing within our state and building a way of life and way of making provision for our families. This presumption will stop under Ray McBerry.

With our nation in rapid decline, it is imperative that we rise up with a message of hope and confidence that rings true to the basic premise that we own ourselves and our property, that life and liberty are God given, and that the only duty of moral government is to protect individual life and liberty.

We must assert ourselves for the protection of Georgians. We must put into office Ray McBerry. A governor who recognizes as he wields the power of his office, appoints judges and important government positions, and influences the legislature, that his duty is to serve the individual life and liberty of each and every Georgian.

Jenny Hodges

Campaign Director, Ray McBerry 2010

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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

2010 Georgia Governor Candidate, Ray McBerry, announces "States' Rights Tour"


Monday 29 June 2009

Gubernatorial Candidate RAY McBERRY Announces the Launch of the “States' Rights Tour” Across Georgia

Republican gubernatorial candidate Ray McBerry is pleased to announce the launch of the “States' Rights Tour” across Georgia beginning August 1, 2009 in Cherokee County. The tour will cover the entire state during the months of August through October.

States' Rights has recently been a topic much in the news as traditional conservatives across America look for a constitutional solution to an out-of-control federal government; and Ray McBerry has been one of the leading speakers across America on the subject of States' Rights for more than a decade. The theme of Ray's campaign for governor, from the beginning, has been “Georgia First!”

The subject of States' Rights took on a more prominent place in Georgia news in May when the state joined twenty-two other states in passing State Sovereignty resolutions in the Georgia State Senate under the authorship of Sen. Chip Pearson.

Recent attacks by Democratic gubernatorial candidates, including Roy Barnes, against the States' Rights stand taken by several Republican candidates have led off with Ray's photo and references to Ray's comments about the constitutionality of States' Rights under the Tenth Amendment. Responding to these attacks, Ray commented, “I have been speaking out on the need for the states to, once again, exercise their sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to rein in an out-of-control federal government in defense of the people's liberty. I am more than happy to be the 'point man' for States' Rights in this race for governor.”

The “States' Rights Tour” will be joined by State Insurance Commissioner candidate Gerry Purcell and a number of other statewide and local candidates and elected officials who have expressed their mutual support for the principle of States' Rights.

More information about the upcoming “States' Rights Tour” will be available shortly at or by contacting Jenny Hodges, campaign director for Ray McBerry for Governor, at 404.435.8852.