Monday, May 31, 2010

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier #SOT #USA #AMERICA #militarymonday

Forgot to add this one to the first post.


Happy Memorial Day from SGAFF! Videos for every American! #SOT

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What's With All The Back-room Deals?!

Throughout his entire campaign, Barack Obama promised that his administration would have the most transparent government. In the 16 months of his presidency, it has turned out to be the most secretive and crooked administration America has ever seen. From shoving expensive, unwanted bills down our throats to the downright lies and broken promises, Obama and his team are proving to be the worst leaders ever. As discussed in the previous post (Washington, D.C. - Who Do They Really Serve?), these guys are no longer serving the people, but rather ignoring us and using our tax dollars to further their own agenda.

Every major bill that has been passed, especially Obamacare, has included back-room deals. When a Democrat or a RINO is voting against the Obama, Pelosi, and Reid establishment, they use everything from bribery to downright threats in order to persuade them to vote 'Yes'. In order to get their agenda forced down our throats, Pelosi and Reid spent dozens of hours with members of Congress in order to force them to go against the wishes of their constituents and change their votes. Outside of the walls of the Capitol, bribery and threats would be subject to legal ramifications.

As elected officials voted to serve the people, they should vote as the constituents wish them to vote, not how the top Democratic leaders want them to. Any member of Congress that accepts these back-room deals and especially those that are making the deals (as well as the threats) should be removed from their position and tried in court by a jury of their peers. And when I say peers, I don't mean their Democratic buddies that will say "Not Guilty" because of threats and bribes, but rather a group of everyday American citizens whose tax dollars help pay for these ridiculous back-room deals.

The corruption, the bribes, threats, lies, deception, and destruction has all got to go. Every single official that has been a part of the recent destruction of America and all the immoral acts needs to be voted out in the ongoing primaries the next few months and of course in November. Afterwards, they all need to be put on trial for treason. Washington has tread on us long enough. The time for it to end is now.


Washington, D.C. - Who Do They Really Serve?

For many decades, America has been on a steady decline. Starting out, it was quietly happening step by step until the point we are at now where it's becoming blatantly obvious. In the past two years, we have seen bill after bill and policy after policy come out of Washington that the vast majority of America disapproves of. The bailouts, the stimulus bills, Cap & Trade, and Obamacare, just to name a few, are simply designed to give more power to the government at our own expense. Outside of D.C., other policies and treaties are giving more and more control of America to outsiders. If none of this gets you angry, you are not understanding or simply not paying attention.

We the People created this government to serve and protect OUR rights, OUR borders, OUR freedoms. Today, we see them doing more for the banks than for the people. America is broke and in trillions of dollars of debt, yet Washington continues to ignore our demands to stop spending our money. They are essentially using a limit-less credit card to benefit a select few then taking payments straight out of OUR checks. With increasing amounts of taxes being taken from Americans, it is still not enough to even put a dent in the out-of-control spending coming from Washington.

If we are paying for bailouts of banks, giving money to special interest groups, and our representatives are ignoring our demands, this is a textbook example of taxation without representation. Sure we may have the appearance of representation, but its becoming blatantly obvious that these career politicians are not there to serve We the People. They are serving the bankers, Wall Street, and some other invisible empire. Their allegiance is not to us and to our Constitution. Their allegiance is to globalist organizations and the bankers that fund them. They fear these groups so much that they forget they should fear the American taxpayer payer even more.

Recently, the International Monetary Fund decided they were going to bail out Greece. Well, guess who just happens to be the largest payer into the IMF... America! So while Greece is running its country into the ground, us working Americans have to pay 17% of the cost to rescue them. Another recent development is the UN Small Arms Treaty that our Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton agreed to. If you visit the UN's website, they have an entire page dedicated to this called United Nations Office for DISARMAMENT Affairs. They are openly saying they want to disarm the people! Why is the government ignoring our Constitution and our People and obeying these globalist groups? Why is Obama the chair of the U.N. Security Council?

The United Nations, the Council of Foreign Relations, and Trilateral are headquartered in New York City. The International Monetary Fund is headquartered in Washington, D.C. Past and present Treasury Secretaries as well as Federal Reserve Chairmen and members have mostly been members of IMF and/or CFR. Past and present Presidents, Vice Presidents, State Secretaries, Defense Secretaries, CIA and FBI directors, Intelligence directors, Supreme Court Justices, Joint Chiefs of Staff, and many other positions have been constantly filled by members of CFR, IMF, Trilateral, and Bilderberg. The list of government officials part of these groups go on and on. Why are they in America and why do they influence our politicians so much?

When Washington is flat out ignoring the people like they are today, one must question who they are truly working for. It would be safe to say they are not working for you and me. We need to make a change to this. We need to get these groups out of our sovereign nation and out of our daily lives. Too often, our only 2 choices at the ballot box are both members of these groups. They pretend to be different and beg for our votes, but their allegiance is elsewhere. Behind closed doors, they are best friends who are doing the bidding of their globalist groups.

Our votes need to go to people that will put the Constitution and the People above the many globalist groups. If our government is overrun with people from these groups, how can we expect them to work for us? There is enough of them in control these days that they openly ignore us and openly do what they feel is necessary to advance their agenda. Our President and leaders should follow their oath to the Constitution, not the U.N. or CFR. The only way to truly know a candidate won't put the interests of these groups above America and her people is to vote for those who are not part of these groups. Research your candidates, vote in the primaries to get true patriots on the November ballots, and educate others to do the same. Remove the career politicians who have been in Washington long enough to become corrupt and replace them with liberty lovers that can't be bought out. We must stop allowing America to be taken over by some invisible empire, before it's too late.


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Reagan's Farewell Speech...Thoughts?

Honestly, this is the last true leader we had.

"Man is not free unless government is limited"

"As government expands, liberty contracts"

"Informed patriotism is what we want. Are we doing a good enough job teaching our children what America is, and what she represents in the long history of the world?"

Smile a little today, patriots. Enjoy Ronald Reagan's humor

Feeling a little light-hearted.

Check out our new layout!

Hey everyone, if you're reading this, you're probably noticing our new duds. Take a look around! Same great reads and views!


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sit Back or Stand Up: What Course Will You Take?

For many years, America has been slipping away from its founding principles. We have slowly lost freedoms and quietly exchanged life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for the illusion of safety and protection. Through all of this, we are becoming a nanny state. The government has increasingly stepped into our daily lives. From the healthcare bill to Cap and Trade, the continued bailouts, and everything in between, D.C. is slowly taking complete control. How is it that 545 millionaires, lawyers, judges, and career politicians know how to run our lives better than we do? These politicians are voted in to represent the people, not their party. They are there to guide, not control. It's time we wake up and realize that 'We the People' are in control.

During the Revolution, we were fighting off tyranny from an enemy across the ocean. Today, the tyrannical enemy is coming from within, straight from Washington, D.C. Trillions of tax dollars are being used to bail out banks, take over the auto industry, socialize our healthcare system, and carry the burden of the increasing amounts of non-tax-paying illegal immigrants. The government is running our country into massive debts and making us foot the bill through increased taxation. Add on top of all that the numerous unconstitutional bills being passed and terrible decisions being made, today's government is rekindling the flame of Liberty that first burned rampant in the late 1700’s. We the People are demanding that we restore America back to what she once was - a place of Freedom and Liberty.

We the People must not stand for this tyranny and government control. Our Founding Fathers took a stand and the rest is history. Today, we 'Freedom Fighters' must take our stand. We must vote the traitors out and restore liberty. The future of our homeland is in our hands. We must put the federal government in their place, repeal unconstitutional laws, and force them to do what the Constitution requires them to do - protect our borders and protect the life, liberty, property, and rights of We the People.

The upcoming 2010 elections will decide our future. We must vote for true patriots that are concerned about their country and the people. We can no longer continue to vote for the career politicians who are concerned about their party, lobbyists, and money. Albert Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Well, the government is nothing less than insane if they think more of the same will get us out of the problems we face today. It's time for real change in government.

The following years are undoubtedly important to America. If we sit back and do nothing, how will we be remembered? Thomas Jefferson said that all tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.Patrick Henry understood this and chose not to remain silent, persuading Virginia to join him in the Revolution on March 23, 1775, ending his speech with the famous quote, "I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death." Today, freedom fighter Jenny Hodges has a new philosophy: 'Give me liberty, or I'll give you hell.'

We can sit back and watch America be destroyed from within, or we can stand up, speak out, and take our country back. What course will you take?


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I burned a flag today

An old flag blew into my friends yard. We caught it, and followed proper flag disposal procedures.

My friend (a public servant himself), noted that even if we hadn't followed the ceremony correctly, we'd still be treating our Stars and Stripes better than the government is.

Its not about an R or D next to your name, what platform you "should" follow. Its about being an American and not letting your government take control of your life.

Government Motors, ObamaCare, bailouts (aka handouts), and numerous other violations leave me stupefied. I forgot to mention my personal favorite, bailing out other countries as we're drowning!

When will America wake up? When will the sheep realize whats happening? Has no one seen V for Vendetta? or modern day Europe?

Some say America has only bastardized its culture from other cultures. I wouldn't call it bastardize. I'd say we took the best of each person who brings something valuable to the table and it became American. We are a unique culture. A free people, at one time, the freest to ever walk the Earth.

How free do you feel now?