Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I burned a flag today

An old flag blew into my friends yard. We caught it, and followed proper flag disposal procedures.

My friend (a public servant himself), noted that even if we hadn't followed the ceremony correctly, we'd still be treating our Stars and Stripes better than the government is.

Its not about an R or D next to your name, what platform you "should" follow. Its about being an American and not letting your government take control of your life.

Government Motors, ObamaCare, bailouts (aka handouts), and numerous other violations leave me stupefied. I forgot to mention my personal favorite, bailing out other countries as we're drowning!

When will America wake up? When will the sheep realize whats happening? Has no one seen V for Vendetta? or modern day Europe?

Some say America has only bastardized its culture from other cultures. I wouldn't call it bastardize. I'd say we took the best of each person who brings something valuable to the table and it became American. We are a unique culture. A free people, at one time, the freest to ever walk the Earth.

How free do you feel now?

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