From rude, sexual remarks towards Ashleigh to claims that Kingston now hates the Constitution, liberal bloggers and their readers have been letting the two have it ever since the above photo was posted on Kingston's flickr account. If you disagree with the message, fine. If you don't think Jack should be posing with that shirt, fine. You can disagree and argue your points, but none of you have the right to attack Ashleigh in the way that you are. By resorting to the name-calling and the sexual remarks, you only make yourself appear stupid.
Suggesting that Rep. Kingston hates the Constitution also makes you appear stupid. If you honestly believe that the Constitution is "alive and well" today, then you are a fool. If you think a Congressmen and his constituent posing with a shirt that reads "R.I.P. The U.S. Constitution" makes either of them hate the Constitution, you are a fool. If anyone hates the Constitution, it's Obama and his team of socialists. Read the Constitution then tell me, Ashleigh, and Rep. Kingston with a straight face that it isn't dead (or at least not upheld by those that swear to do so).
South Georgia Freedom Fighters is in District 1 and we are proud to be represented by Kingston. We back Jack. And we back Ashleigh.
Liberal blogs attacking Ashleigh and Kingston:
"Five dollars says he’s having sex with the girl on the left" -Progressive News Daily
"Why does Jack Kingston hate the U.S. Constitution?" -Daily Kos Poll m/2009/08/04/gop-congressm an-jack-kingston-poses-wit h-rip-us-constitution-t-sh irt/
Ashleigh's response to the blogs linked above:
I realize that some controversy has resulted from the blog posting a picture of Congressman Kingston and me, where I presented him a t-shirt that said “R.I.P. The U.S. Constitution”What those who seek to smear me don’t know, or take the time to find out, is that the back of the shirt is adorned with the words of President Ronald Reagan: “In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem.”Perhaps one’s perception of the shirt depends on his or her perception of our Constitution. Personally, I believe it is a fundamental document that was written to insure that the government never became greater than the people. When I look at today’s society, the government’s control seems to increasingly outweigh the people’s. I cannot help but feel that the Constitution has been theoretically buried. This design isn’t meant to point fingers, it’s meant to stir an awareness of what we are losing. It’s about the power of the government increasing, while the power of the people decreases.This shirt is not meant to stir debate regarding which administration did the most to slaughter our Constitution. While we cannot change the past, we do have the present in our hands, right now. This is where change begins.I must say, in a time where political scandal consists of perjury, adultery, embezzlement…etc., to be caught standing next to a college kid accepting a pro-liberty t-shirt really doesn’t sound so bad. Maybe that’s just me
Well said, Ashleigh, well said.